Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer@Home Day 3: UPS Drivers, Beware!

Day 3

My friends are coming to my rescue in various ways during my Summer@Home. My dear friend Cathy invited Joshua and Jordan to join her boys for tennis lessons and do all the driving. [Shout out to Cathy! Lifesaver! Doin' the happy dance!]

Yesterday, I was able to break from work and go watch, which was a treat. I'd never seen either of them play. I was surprised at how naturally it came to them. They were doing quite well, and it was just their second lesson. And I got to sit in the shade, sip iced tea, and chat with other moms. Heaven...

But when we got home, I almost died laughing. And I soooo wish I'd taken a picture. But outside our garage door, it looked something like this:

Only one big honkin' box contained a 12' trampoline. [Note: Our boys broke ours. Split the bouncy thing right down the middle. That's what comes from letting 290 pounds of kids bounce on a 140-pound-limit trampoline. What was I thinking when I bought that?]

Another one contained four boxes of cork placemats and a large book. It was marked heavy. [Interestingly, the trampoline was not.]

The next contained four cases of Friskies canned cat food. Or "kitty crack" as we call it. It, too, was marked heavy.

The last, from Bath & Body Works, was not heavy, but marked FRAGILE.

Will my UPS driver ever speak to me again? I have the sudden desire to bake him cookies and make  lemonade. I feel like I have to make amends.

Because until yesterday, it didn't occur to me how much my purchasing patterns have changed over the last 3 months. It is a rare week ... heck, a rare day ... that the big brown van does not pull up to our house and send the dog into a raging conniption fit.

I cannot just pop into the store for cat food ... so I buy it a month at a time via mail order. We never run out.

I have many toiletries, toilet paper, and other necessities automatically shipped at set intervals as well.

I buy their school uniforms online.  I buy their music books online. I buy my clothes online. I buy as much as humanly possible online. Amazon probably rues the day they told me that if I joined Amazon Prime, I could get two-day shipping for free. I definitely get my money's worth on that.

By the way, the little people have even learned to shop online. I overhear them looking at some such toy or costume and invariably, one of them will ask, "I know it's cheap. But is it Prime?"

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